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Really interesting game! i think its too easy because the player could spam click the fire button and kill the boss super fast without the boss being able to do anything. Maybe add a cooldown to the fire rate.


Awesome game, it is fun. I like Player sprite. The boss is a bit faster but, overall kool game.


I love the pixel art, it's super cute, and the alien's design is cool as well. Sound would be nice. I think the movement is easy to get familiar with after a bit. I notice that the enemy  shots are indeed weird - maybe make them spawn in the direction of the player?


Love the visuals but I think adding some variety to the fight would increase replayability.


Like the visuals. It's bit difficult to dodge and if there was a sound effect added to the bullet, the game will be more fun to play.


Cute art. Could use some audio.


Very neat game. The score is a bit weird as it is hidden behind the wall. This is a very neat game overall.


Nice idea though could have other variety in the game as well.


I saved the world! I like this. An improvement to the  targeting  system would definitely be a welcome update.




Nice job! keep going!

I think you can solve your problem with the enemy shots by changing the collider from the shot prefab to trigger (By marking the "is trigger" at the collider component) and changing the collider detection from OnCollisionEnter2D to OnTriggerEnter2D.

I will keep that in mind and make changes soon. Thank you!